Waterhole in Malawi

The New Water Hole: Small Miracles In Rural Malawi

The African sun blazed overhead as we rumbled along. From the back of a Jeep I gazed at the rolling landscape – a vast panorama dotted with fruit trees and the grass-roof huts of scattered settlements. In the ...
A Sad Burger

Healthy Takeout Choices When There’s No Time To Cook

It’s that awful internal battle we face every time we’ve had a busy day at work and we can’t face making dinner from scratch – do you order takeout or do you pick the healthy option and cook? Wouldn’t it be ama...
digital marketing, networking, importance of SEO

The Importance Of SEO In Digital Marketing

Digital marketing in the current era Marketing is no longer a department that has intakes of a fund with no statistical proof to show that they worked. It is all about seeing a return in the form of conversion...